Cambridge EnerTech’s

Battery Recycling








Registration and Morning Coffee7:30 am

Organizer's Welcome Remarks8:30 am

Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge EnerTech


8:35 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Steve Sloop, PhD, President, OnTo Technology LLC

8:40 am

A View on the Future of Battery Recycling in the European Market Context

Charles Stuyck, Director, Battery Recycling Solutions, Umicore

The future of closed battery material loops is regional. In view of current geopolitical drivers, there will be different priorities in some regions, leading to other key drivers of industry development in the different parts of the material loop. This talk will highlight a number of market drivers that are expected to be specific for Europe and that will likely impact the way circularity of batteries will materialize in Europe.

9:00 am

ReCell’s Developments in Direct Recycling

Jessica Durham Macholz, PhD, Materials Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory

The ReCell Center has recently expanded its program scope to cover Direct Recycling of Materials, Advanced Resource Recovery, Design for Sustainability, and Modeling and Analysis. The Center continues to scale-up its existing technologies and develop new technologies, applying them to the processing of both manufacturing scrap and end-of-life batteries. The presentation will highlight the expansion and progress of the Center's Direct Recycling of Materials focus area.

9:20 am

Battery Recycling Markets, Economics, and Business Success Factors

Thomas Schuldt, Senior Engagement Manager, Battery Accelerator Sustainability Team, McKinsey

Electric-vehicle demand is accelerating rapidly and so is the need for EV batteries. As these batteries reach end-of-life, significant growth opportunities in the recycling space are emerging. Battery recyclers could adopt key levers to keep or gain an edge in the battery-recycling market.

9:40 am MODERATED Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up


Steve Sloop, PhD, President, OnTo Technology LLC


Charles Stuyck, Director, Battery Recycling Solutions, Umicore

Jessica Durham Macholz, PhD, Materials Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory

Thomas Schuldt, Senior Engagement Manager, Battery Accelerator Sustainability Team, McKinsey

Grand Opening Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing10:00 am

10:40 am

Future Scenarios for LIB Recycling in Each Region (Europe/US/China/Japan)

Akihito Fujita, Co-Head, Research & Consulting, Nomura Research Institute America, Inc.

Market trends, regulations, key players, and technological development surrounding LIB recycling vary significantly from region to region. Based on the future outlook of the EV market in each area, we will introduce our hypothesis on the risks and business opportunities in LIB recycling by considering multiple scenarios for the LIB recycling market.

11:00 am

Lithium-ion Battery Manufacturing and Supply Chains

Alan Ferguson, Commercial Vice President, Battery Supply, North America, Li-Cycle Corp.

The global lithium-ion battery market is expected to grow significantly in the next decade. Developing a supply chain from manufacturing lithium-ion batteries to battery recycling is essential for a competitive edge in the lithium-ion global market and to create closed-loop supply chains. This presentation discusses Li-Cycle’s patented Spoke & Hub Technologies-a low-cost, safe, and sustainable process which recycles all types of lithium-ion batteries and battery manufacturing scrap.

11:20 am Recycling LFP is a Strategic Imperative in Cost Reduction to reach a Mass Market for EV’s and Energy Storage

Chao Yan, Founder & CEO, Princeton NuEnergy

Direct Recycling provides the ONLY truly economic method for recycling LFP. Why? It maximizes cost efficiencies, minimizes energy usage, waste, and CO2 emissions, keeping critical materials at home. Eliminating low-value processing, transportation steps, and hazardous chemicals. For LFP and other chemistries, conventional ‘hydro-’ and ‘pyro-’ recycling approaches are costly, resulting in “stranded investments”. Let's explore the best way forward with economical direct recycling and upcycling for LFP and common battery formulations.

11:40 am MODERATED Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up


Steve Sloop, PhD, President, OnTo Technology LLC


Akihito Fujita, Co-Head, Research & Consulting, Nomura Research Institute America, Inc.

Alan Ferguson, Commercial Vice President, Battery Supply, North America, Li-Cycle Corp.

Networking Lunch (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)12:00 pm


1:00 pm

Chairperson's Remarks

Alan Ferguson, Commercial Vice President, Battery Supply, North America, Li-Cycle Corp.

1:05 pm

Deactivation and Extraction of Lithium from Lithium-ion Batteries and beyond

Sascha Nowak, PhD, Head of Analytics & Environmental, Electrochemical Energy Technology, University of Munster

Handling and transporting aged or defective battery cells is a key challenge in establishing an efficient battery recycling infrastructure. An important prerequisite for such a system is the development of suitable methods for the pretreatment and deactivation of lithium-ion and lithium-metal batteries. Additionally, the extraction of lithium is getting more attention to achieve an overall better recycling efficiency. Here, we present some of our latest results on the topic. 

1:25 pm BASF Battery Materials & Recycling: Tailored Closed-Loop Solutions Addressing the Market Needs

Mark Szendro, Director, BASF Battery Materials, North America; CEO, BASF Toda America LLC, BASF Corporation

BASF is the leading chemical supplier to the automotive industry. To ensure growth of EVs in North America it is critical to develop a robust supply chain for battery materials.  BASF is well positioned in the eMobility value chain, and has taken this approach by building a global network with cathode-active materials production in all key regions. This presentation covers battery materials supply chain, sourcing, and BASF’s closed-loop recycling solution.

1:45 pm

Direct Recycle Cathode-Healing and Battery Deactivation to Improve Cost and Safety of the Value Chain

Steve Sloop, PhD, President, OnTo Technology LLC

OnTo will share strategies to improve safety and decrease costs with service at the site. Render-Safe as a mobile, onsite service eliminates flammability hazards when and where they are identified. Cathode-healing is an innovative approach to recover any battery material for reuse, onsite at a factory, or for pretreatment for materials manufacturing. Dr. Sloop will discuss deactivation and cathode-healing of lithium-ion batteries. How does intertization of batteries find a way to improve the value chain? When will industry employ a service? What is the value to the industry? Where will deactivation and direct recycle find their uses in the industry?

2:05 pm MODERATED Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up


Alan Ferguson, Commercial Vice President, Battery Supply, North America, Li-Cycle Corp.


Sascha Nowak, PhD, Head of Analytics & Environmental, Electrochemical Energy Technology, University of Munster

Mark Szendro, Director, BASF Battery Materials, North America; CEO, BASF Toda America LLC, BASF Corporation

Steve Sloop, PhD, President, OnTo Technology LLC

Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)2:20 pm

3:00 pm Development of a Direct Recycling Process for LFP Based Lithium Ion Batteries

Kamyab Amouzegar, Phd, Searcher, Hydro-Quebec Center of Excellence

Hydro-Quebec has developed a unique direct recycling process to recover cathode material from spent LFP-based batteries based on a two-step process:

  1. Delithiation of LFP to FP using H2O2 and CO2
  2. Relithiation of FP particles back to LFP using two innovative direct and indirect electrochemical approaches

For direct electrochemical approach, the FP is coated on a current collector and used as cathode in a cell containing Li2SO4 or LiHCO3 solutions. In the case of indirect approach, the reducing agent is the reduced form of a redox couple that has a redox potential lower than the reduction potential of FP to LFP and higher than the hydrogen evolution reaction. 

The new approach from Hydro-Quebec allows to achieve the main three objectives of being environmentally friendly, economically viable and the production of battery grade materials as final product. 

3:20 pm

Enhancing Lithium-ion Battery Recycling: Selective Recovery and Purification of Graphite for Sustainable Resource Utilization

Anna Vanderbruggen, PhD, Researcher, Geo Resources Laboratory, University of Lorraine

Graphite, a critical anode material, presents recycling challenges in the lithium-ion battery industry. We propose a froth flotation process for highly selective recovery of graphite and metals. The recovered graphite undergoes EcoGraf purification, enabling its reuse in new batteries, promoting sustainable resource utilization. This integrated approach advances lithium-ion battery recycling, facilitating the circular economy for these vital materials.

3:40 pm Presentation to be Announced by Ganzhou Cyclewell Technology Co Ltd
4:00 pm MODERATED Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up


Alan Ferguson, Commercial Vice President, Battery Supply, North America, Li-Cycle Corp.


Kamyab Amouzegar, Phd, Searcher, Hydro-Quebec Center of Excellence

Anna Vanderbruggen, PhD, Researcher, Geo Resources Laboratory, University of Lorraine

4:20 pm

Overview of the Dry Process for Recycling of Lithium-ion Batteries, Including Mechanical Treatment, Black Mass Drying, Electrolyte Recovery, Gas Treatment, and Sorting

Barry A. Perlmutter, President, Perlmutter & Idea Development (P&ID) LLC

Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) recycling is a complex process with crushing and shredding, black mass drying, electrolyte recovery with gas treatment, and finally, classification and sorting. Each step must be integrated upstream and downstream for maximum safety, minimized environmental impacts, with maximum recovery and efficiency.  This presentation reviews current “dry process” installations from pilot demonstration plants to full-scale production and illustrates recovery of black mass, copper, aluminum, plastic and ferrous metals.  The “Dry-Process” is applicable for the recycling of production scrap and End-of-Life (EOL) batteries from the transportation sector, and for small-format batteries from the household consumer sector.    

4:40 pm

Achieving Scalable and Low-Cost Direct Recycling of Lithium-ion Batteries

Zheng Chen, PhD, Assistant Professor, NanoEngineering, University of California San Diego

There is a growing interest in low-cost and scalable recycling processes for spent lithium-ion batteries. This presentation will focus on our recent advancements in direct recycling of spent LIBs, aiming to produce new electrode materials capable of matching the performance of native materials. We will demonstrate successful recycling of various battery materials utilizing the direct regeneration approach, as well as integration of different operational steps into a scalable recycling pathway.

5:00 pm

Battery Materials Circularity: Closing the Loop with Advanced Cathode Engineering

Michael O'Kronley, CEO, Ascend Elements

The terms “circularity” and “closed-loop” are often used to describe battery recycling processes like pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy, but these traditional recycling processes are just the first steps in any round-trip journey of battery materials. The typical outputs of battery recycling require extensive processing before they can go into new EV batteries. This presentation puts recycled battery materials under the microscope, and explores the steps needed to engineer new, battery-ready cathode active material (CAM).

5:20 pm Future-Proof Battery Recycling: Scaling a Sustainable, Circular Supply Chain

Mark Strauss, PhD, Research Engineer, Commercial & Business Development, Aqua Metals

Aqua Metals is pioneering an innovative solution to sustainably recycle lithium-ion batteries using electricity as the primary reagent and catalyst to produce low-carbon metals for return to a circular battery economy. This presentation will cover how the company is developing and rapidly scaling this first-of-its-kind solution and building the partner ecosystem for a circular domestic supply chain for critical battery metals.

5:40 pm MODERATED Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up


Alan Ferguson, Commercial Vice President, Battery Supply, North America, Li-Cycle Corp.


Barry A. Perlmutter, President, Perlmutter & Idea Development (P&ID) LLC

Zheng Chen, PhD, Assistant Professor, NanoEngineering, University of California San Diego

Michael O'Kronley, CEO, Ascend Elements

Mark Strauss, PhD, Research Engineer, Commercial & Business Development, Aqua Metals

Networking Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing6:00 pm

Close of Day7:00 pm


Registration and Morning Coffee7:40 am

Interactive Breakout Discussions7:45 am

Roundtable discussions are informal, moderated discussions with brainstorming and interactive problem-solving, allowing participants from diverse backgrounds to exchange ideas and experiences and develop future collaborations around a focused topic.

TABLE 1: Innovations in Recycling Battery Materials 
Moderator: Steven E. Sloop, President, OnTo Technology LLC

TABLE 2:  Battery Pack System Cost and Safety - Will Future xEV Battery Packs Increase in Complexity or Simplify and How Will Cost and Safety Be Impacted?
Moderator: Kevin Konecky, Battery and Energy Storage Systems Consultant, Total Battery Consulting

TABLE 3: Production Supply and Sustainability of a North American Supply Chain
Moderator: Rob Privette, Business Development Manager, North America, Umicore 

TABLE 4: Li-ion NMC Fast Charging New Cells for E-Mobility
Moderator: Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy, Ltd.

TABLE 5: Inactive Materials: Developments in Current Collectors, Separators and Electrolytes
Moderator: Sam Jaffe, Business Development, Addionics

TABLE 6: Building the Domestic Battery Raw Material Supply Chain
Moderator: Carl Thoemmes, Business Development, Battery Materials, Koura

TABLE 7: Battery Cost vs. Passport, CO2 Footprint & Lifetime Warranty - What Does the Battery Regulation Legislation Bring?
Moderator: Wenzel Prochazka, Senior Product Manager Electrification Systems, NXP Semiconductors Austria

TABLE 8: High Percentage Silicon-Content Anodes and Cells 
Moderator: Benjamin Park, PhD, Founder & CTO, Enevate

TABLE 9: Battery Management Systems 
Moderator: Sheldon Williamson, PhD, Professor & Canada Research Chair, Electrical & Computer & Software Engineering, University of Ontario Institute of Technology

TABLE 10: Battery Intelligence
Moderator: Eli Leland, PhD, CTO and Co-Founder, Voltaiq, Inc.

TABLE 11: Lithium Metal Batteries
Moderator: Brian Sisk, PhD, CTO, Sepion Technologies

TABLE 12: Battery Safety & Thermal Runaway
Moderator: Judith Jeevarajan, PhD, Vice President and Executive Director, Electrochemical Safety Research Institute, UL Research Institutes

TABLE 13: Silicon Anodes
Moderator: Manuel Wieser, Head of Energy Business, AnteoTech


8:25 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Anna Vanderbruggen, PhD, Researcher, Geo Resources Laboratory, University of Lorraine

Sponsored Presentation (Opportunity Available)8:30 am

8:50 am Presentation to be Announced
9:10 am

Lithium-Battery Recycling

Travis Hesterberg, PhD, Director, Technology & Innovation, R&D, Ecobat Solutions

Overview of Ecobat Solutions lithium-battery recycling process and operational footprint. Presentation will include overview of best practices in battery collections, transport, and storage, along with battery diagnostics and recycling.

9:30 am

Advances in Full Circulatory Recycling

Hendy Kim, Executive Director, SungEel HiTech

9:50 am Presentation to be Announced by Energy Frontier
10:10 am MODERATED Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up


Anna Vanderbruggen, PhD, Researcher, Geo Resources Laboratory, University of Lorraine


Travis Hesterberg, PhD, Director, Technology & Innovation, R&D, Ecobat Solutions

Hendy Kim, Executive Director, SungEel HiTech

Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)10:25 am


10:55 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge EnerTech

11:00 am

LG Leading the Battery Expansion in North America

Robert Lee, President, North American & Chief Strategy Officer, LG Energy Solution

LG Energy Solution is the leading lithium-ion battery manufacturer, working with the top OEMs globally in transforming the automobile industry. The market for EVs is expanding rapidly, driven by both consumer demand and regulatory incentives. In North America, there are unprecedented levels of investment to support EVs, by both OEMs and battery manufacturers. This presentation will discuss market growth projections, announced expansion plans, and the challenges ahead.

11:20 am

A Sustainability Perspective on Near-Future Energy Storage Technologies

Ulderico Ulissi, PhD, Manager, 21C Lab, Contemporary Amperex Technology Limited (CATL)

Energy storage technologies are critical to limiting emissions, and lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are a key technology for many applications, including automotive and stationary storage. Therefore, we expect the LIB market to continue growing rapidly. This growth is keeping up the momentum for LIB technological development, which has been largely driven towards decreasing costs and improving performance. However, as LIBs become ubiquitous it is also critical to correctly assess the sustainability impact of the technology. In this presentation, we will discuss the concept of sustainability, how it is linked to Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) criteria, and will critically review the realistic opportunities to make batteries more sustainable in the near future. This will provide the audience more insights into the CATL carbon neutrality plan, and into its pledge to achieve carbon neutrality in its core operations by 2025 and across the battery value chain by 2035.

11:40 am

USABC Battery Development Program Overview

Matt Denlinger, Battery Research Engineer, Energy Storage Research, Ford Motor Company

The United States Advanced Battery Consortium (USABC) is a subsidiary of USCAR. The organization supports advanced battery technology development and commercialization for electric vehicles via funding through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Energy. This talk will give an overview of current and past USABC programs, as well as future funding opportunities for US battery developers.

12:00 pm MODERATED Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up


Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge EnerTech


Robert Lee, President, North American & Chief Strategy Officer, LG Energy Solution

Ulderico Ulissi, PhD, Manager, 21C Lab, Contemporary Amperex Technology Limited (CATL)

Matt Denlinger, Battery Research Engineer, Energy Storage Research, Ford Motor Company

Networking Lunch (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)12:15 pm

Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)1:15 pm

Close of Symposium2:00 pm

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